DB Kim Reception.JPG


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Find your Top Ten Designers: DB Kim

Standing on the stage with his stark white glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, and purple light bathing him, DB Kim seems almost unreal. Like the architect you see in a box office film, more fashionable and talented than possible. Indeed as his work fills the lecture hall screen a sense of awe washes over any designer near. This man is something extraordinary.

DB Kim is famous for his hospitality spaces, high end luxury hotels that look every bit like a living rendering. The interiors are so stunningly gorgeous that it seems to entrance and suspend time. If it were not for Kim's witty commentary the entire auditorium might forget that this could be crafted by a human. He quickly shows us his unique Tarkett Flooring design, a crystal pattern repeated over and over to create an almost "trippy" aesthetic. He seems to fly through his work as if it is unimportant, stopping on select pieces to add details that bring the photographs to life. Keeping the attention of an auditorium full of college students during midterms is no easy feat, but Kim's presentation and commentary leave no room for a lapse in attention. Instead hungry and eager faces peered up out of the seats at a man who feels larger than life and yet somehow incredibly human.

In a studio sit down earlier in the day a student asked which of his projects was his favorite. He admitted it was his most recent due to the very nature of learning so much throughout the process. His "Project 28" showcased a high end hotel in Shanghai, art deco patterns mixing with neutral tones to create a stunningly luxurious space that seems both welcoming and godly. High ceilings and massive columns give the hotel a “modern Parthenon” energy, welcoming guests into a world beyond the mortal man. The lobby seems like a skyscraper in itself, stretching toward the sky and drawing guests eyes up in a carefully crafted power move. Deep Red and golden accents feed into the overall atmosphere of the building, leading your eyes deeper into the room and drawing you forward. While the neutral pattern soothes visitors, interesting patterns can be seen on nearly every surface; creating tension and energy. Lighting also plays a key role in all of his work, often being the finishing touch to the design. In the reception a large window draws you through the long thin space while intricate ceiling lighting encourages visitors to look up and enjoy the carefully crafted ceiling panels. Large Art Deco sconces provide mood lighting throughout the area, illuminating seating areas and the check in area. Mirrored panels of polished stone create a geode pattern and cause the space to seem as if it will stand forever, immobile in its mass and materials. The Art Deco patterns seen throughout breathe timeless elegance into every room, gold highlights accenting the interesting patterns and working well to illuminate the sheer wealth without making it obnoxious and “Trump-ian”. The hotel also features a high end spa, blanketed in pure whites and deep warm browns to create a sense of serenity as soon as guests enter the reception area. A large carved ceiling panel is accented in golden cove light, tying back to the golden Art Deco patterns used throughout the hotel. Personal suites elevate the experience, rather than simply making it a place to sleep. Large bathrooms, offices, and living spaces accompany the bedroom, allowing guests to fill all of their needs within their room. And should they decide to step out into the rest of the property, a "sky bar" looks out over the Shanghai skyline, offering a view to compliment their conversation. 

For more information please visit DB Kim's website at http://www.dbkim.com/. All photographs courtesy of his website.